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Discover a More Powerful Way to Deliver the Customer Experience

Cimulate CustomerGPT thinks like your customers do to provide a streamlined shopping experience powered by user intent, built to scale, and with a deep understanding of customer choice over product assortments.

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CustomerGPT is the commerce experience layer in the commerce stack

Large language models (LLMs) have brought about new ways of interacting with customers. CustomerGPT is the engine behind the conversational and experiential layer, responsible for understanding customer intent to deliver the optimal assortment of products and content.

Understand your customers, your products, and how they interact

CustomerGPT combines the power of third-party data from the internet with your customer clickstream and product data, resulting in a generative-AI-based model tuned for your business and your customers.

  1. Customer behavior: Similar to how an LLM generates “next best words,” CustomerGPT uses clickstream data to generate “next best actions” and predict your customers’ next moves.
  2. Products: Trained on the power of the internet but tuned on proprietary data, CustomerGPT knows your products inside and out.
  3. How they interact: By understanding how each individual responds to different assortments of products, CustomerGPT serves up the right content at the right time to delight customers and drive conversions.

CustomerGPT changes the game for commerce

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Personalize every pixel.

CustomerGPT predicts customers’ needs before you do, using your data to deliver personalized interactions and hyper-relevant products. The result is a tailored shopping experience that boosts conversion and enhances customer satisfaction.

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Interact on your customers’ terms.

The future of the customer experience is conversational—quite literally on the customer’s terms. CustomerGPT seamlessly unifies the search and browse experience with conversational shopping, gracefully handling both simple and complex queries.

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Automate optimization.

Gone are the days of manual “boost” and “bury” strategies. Cimulate’s intuitive dashboard helps you save time, eliminate errors, and align with business goals such as click-through rate, revenue, and net margin.

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Future-proof your business.

Cimulate’s platform is AI-native, objective-driven, and built for the speed and scale of commerce. Engage both customers looking for a better version of today’s search and browse experience and early adopters who want to interact conversationally with their favorite brands.

Experience the new era of conversational optimized commerce